My story

15 years ago...

5 years ago...

4 years ago...

Fast forward to now...

I help others who are fed up, anxious and in pain all the time;

  • All those GP visits and I was never asked about my stress levels, mental health, movements or related symptoms such as anxiety and migraines.
  • I came to realise holistic health was about treating the WHOLE person, body and mind, not just the symptom or single body part – we’re not robots!
  • It literally took me until my early 30’s to really start taking control of my own wellbeing on a regular basis and to understand and nurture it more!

It takes a big decision to commit to yourself. In order be pain free you need to be active in your own recovery…

Taking care of ourselves is a powerful act of love! Yep, when you decide to go on that journey of self exploration, and keep showing up to find out what works for you, it all starts to click into place.

Seem impossible right now? Contact me, and we can work together…

Contact me